Selected Images

Elephant and Calf - Kenya

Giraffe feeding on Acacia Tree - Kenya

Bald Headed Eagle - Alaska

Male Lion - Kenya

Lion in Tree

Running Lion

Leopard family just reunited

Thornicroft's Giraffes crossing the Luangwa River

Bush fires glow on a clear dark night in Zambia

Female Leopard takes cover in a tree from hyenas

Lion Cubs wait in the grass as their mother hunts in Kafue

Male Lion - Kenya

A quiet moment with the lion family - Kenya

Cider Farm Cornwall

La Mola Fortress - Menorca

Ghost Bat in the rain forest - Costa Rica.

Old Windmill in Kent - England

Beach Art - Vancouver Island

Spirit Bear

Male Leopard - Kenya


Black Church Rock - England

Reflections in Bath - England

Bald Eagle - Alaska

Male Frigate Bird - Mexico

The Barn at Bradford on Avon - England

Young Male Lion - Kenya

Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon

Blue Whale - Sea of Cortez

Surfers at Sunset - Vancouver Island

Sleeping Grotto Nymph - Ardiadne

Wilderbeast - Kenya

Vicar's Close, Wells Cathedral - England

Moulton Barn - Grand Teton

Stourhead Gardens - England

Reflections on Stourhead Lake - England

Black Rhino Masai Mara - Kenya

Cheetah chasing a young Wildebeest - Masai Mara Kenya

Hairy Shield Bug - England

Breaching Orca - San Juan Islands

Cheetah on termite mound - Kenya

Young Male Lion - Kenya

St Anthony Head Lighthouse - England

Female Leopard at Sunset - Kenya

Glacier Point in Yosemite Valley

You have been warned!

Grizzly Bear - Alaska